Kerena Marchant for Basingstoke

About me

I'm the Labour Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Basingstoke.
I am a TV producer, journalist and Deaf/Disability Rights campaigner. My life takes me into contact with people from all walks of life - Deaf, Disabled people, children with SEN and their parents and those who are victims of a hostile DWP benefit environment. .
I'm a single mum and parent of a young person with SEN, and I have had to fight many battles to get educational and social services provision. I'm a socialist and life long environmentalist.
I pledge to deliver transparency, honesty and accessibility in politics. I see being an MP as a service, not a career. I want to see Basingstoke properly represented.
Election Video
In this video I outline some of the changes I would bring to Basingstoke if I am elected.
I have chosen to use British Sign Language, the language of the Deaf community so Deaf people have the same access to election material as everyone else.
There are English subtitles and a voiceover for those who don't sign.
Promoted by Kim Taylor on behalf of Kerena Marchant
both at Labour Club Sandys Road RG22 6AS

Green New Deal
As an environmentalist, I have pledged to support Labour’s Green New Deal.
Having campaigned against fracking and other green issues this is something close to my heart. I want to preserve the planet for our children. I want to campaign for a Green New Deal for Basingstoke and Hampshire.
This includes:
Working to be carbon neutral by 2030
Improving Basingstoke’s recycling record (currently 28per cent recycling rate putting Basingstoke 316th out of 345 councils)
Improving air quality
Campaigning to get electric charging points across town
Energy friendly housing
Green spaces in town - a tree for every inhabitant
Working with local energy co-operatives to make Hampshire self sufficient supplying its own energy using the natural resources available - wind, sun, land and sea
NHS Pledge
Along with other PPCs and Labour MPs I have pledged to protect our NHS from privatisation.
Labour established the NHS 70 years ago and want to secure its future.
My father was an NHS dentist who refused to do more lucrative private work as he believed everybody should have free dental care, so I am passionate about the NHS and health care being free for all.
I pledge:
To prevent the privatisation of NHS services
Campaign to repair and modernise and the the hospitals and surgeries in Basingstoke
To ensure that the hospitals and surgeries in Basingstoke are well staffed with doctors and nurses so people can get appointments quickly
Ensure that local NHS decisions are patient led and halt sustainability and transformation plans that are finance led
Campaign for the training bursaries for NHS staff
Reopen mother and baby clinics and sure start to reduce strain on GPS and AandE
Provide a quality care service to the elderly that combines health and social care

What this means to me
I'm delighted that my campaign is endorsed by Disability Labour.
The social model of Disability is at the heart of my campaign.
I will fight to overturn barriers that prevent Disabled people's full inclusion and equality in society this includes:
The restoration of the independent living scheme
Ending the hostile assessment environment of the DWP
The recognition of BSL as a language and a BSL Act
Lifelong Disability benefits for those with lifetime Disabilities
Scrapping UC and the WCA
Campaigning to ensure that the EU Disability Accessibility Act is put into UK Law
Labour Voices
"Austerity has ripped everything from us. We have suffered in silence, but no longer."
Labour PPC for Basingstoke, Kerena Marchant on how the price of Austerity has been paid by the most vulnerable in our society.